Wednesday, July 30, 2008

First Time Swimming

Last night was the Ward Swim Party so we took Jack swimming for his first time. While you can't really tell from the picture, he really liked it. He would get on his belly and do his belly scoot crawl all over, including to where it would get deep enough that his face would get in the water when he plopped down. He didn't seem to mind it a bit. It was kind of cold, so it was sort of hard to fully enjoy the experience. We'll have to try again before the summer is over. This was also the first time I've been in a swimsuit since Jack was born, notice no pictures of that :)
I should have taken more pictures of Jack, but I was just enjoying playing with him and chasing him around the shallow water. 

1 comment:

Ryan & Candice Lamb said...

ahh I love it! Luckily I know he loves the water so it makes the face he's making even better! neopr