Friday, August 1, 2008

So Little Time

Well just a personal blog here, today is August first and I now have only ten days before I begin work. I'll be honest, I am not looking forward to it. Yes I think it will be fun to teach and yes I am excited for this new opportunity, but I am not excited about leaving Jack all day long. I don't think he will be excited either. He has become quite the mama's boy. For those of you wondering, the current plan is that Tyler is staying home with Jack and taking classes from 4pm on. I know that means we will pretty much never see each other, but it was sort of my stipulation to being a working mom. It is possible that we will try to arrange care for Jack for a few hours a couple times a week so that Tyler could take some of his classes during the day and have a little study time without a baby.
I am very nervous about the classes I am teaching and feel EXTREMELY unprepared. It's very overwhelming. I guess I'll just take it a day at a time and enjoy every last minute I have with Jack before I enter the world of work. 
This is an old picture of Jack, but it makes me smile

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