The other day a dear friend of mine said she is very tired of going to my blog and seeing JANUARY. Yes I know it's been a while, and the lack of posting is certainly not due to lack of events. Our life is ever eventful! We love it (and sometimes wish it were just a tad bit less eventful) and are spending so much time enjoying it that I never have a moment to post anything.
I apologize for the lack of pictures in this post, maybe I'll post some soon...hahahahahahah...yeah we all know that's pretty unlikely. I will also not try to write updates for the last 11 months; there is far to much. Right now life is busy with school, work, callings.... and BOYS! I think it's pretty likely that Tyler and I will run out of names for baby boys before we run out of baby boys :) We are expecting another in May. When we went in for the ultrasound today we really didn't expect to find out the gender, and at first baby was making it pretty difficult, but in the end the radiologist was able to coax him into an opportune position and it became rather clear. YAY! We are thrilled to have another boy. Someday we hope for a girl, but I am happy to be carrying another little Momma's boy, even if they can be quite a handful!