Friday, February 8, 2008

2 month check up and SHOTS

Poor Jack had to get 4 shots today. The doctor thinks he's great and is impressed by his growth, but he still needs his vaccinations. I'm sure Jack thinks I'm the meanest mom ever for letting that nurse jab 4 tiny needles into his perfect pudgy thighs, but with all the sleeping he's doing to recover, maybe he'll forget the whole event. He cried so hard while he was getting the shots, I don't know if I've ever heard him cry so hard, but he calmed down quickly after. I wasn't sure what to expect after he woke up from his nap, but I wasn't expecting an entirely different child. Jack screamed for almost half an hour and there was little I could do to console him. I felt so bad as great big tears streamed down the side of his face. Finally I got him calm, and he immediately fell back to sleep. I think next time I have to get any shots I'm going to sleep it off as well, it seems to be helping Jack.

So for now things are quiet, but he will probably wake up soon, and then who knows what. I hope to have my happy baby boy back, but I think that might require a little Tylenol.

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